Five Questions with Mary Morgan

by | November 4, 2016 |

I’m having so much fun connecting with all the smart authors and bloggers I’ve met online. This is the latest entry in my series of conversations with other romance authors, who join us to share about their creative process, their habits, their inspiration, and more. Our guest today is Mary Morgan a romance writer originally hailing from Scotland but who now resides in sunny California with her own knight in shining armor. 

1. When did you discover romance and what drew you to it?

Mary Morgan: When I was in my teens, I loved mythology and historical novels—craving to learn about distance lands and history. I devoured stories by authors, James Michener, Marion Zimmer Bradley, and Edward Rutherfurd. Eventually, I fell in love with historical romance stories, especially ones that tugged at my heart and left me aching for more. No matter the journey of the characters, I knew they would achieve their “happily ever after” ending.

2. What is your writing routine like?

Mary Morgan: I’m definitely a plotter in the beginning. Since I write medieval romances (my love of history), I have to “feel” the ancient. Therefore, I start all my stories by writing down as much as I can in a leather journal—from character descriptions, environment, and general outline. However, once I get started writing on the computer, the characters inevitably take over the story. I’m hardly ever in control, especially at the back end of a story. It’s similar to a freight train, and the words fly across the pages.

3. Where does your writing inspiration come from?

Mary Morgan: Where do I begin? Inspiration comes to me in so many forms—from my love of history, romance, travels, and life. These are all powerful sources of motivation for me. In truth, I’ve always had a story inside my head. When I was a young girl, I was told quite often to stop daydreaming and pay attention. I lived most of the day making up stories within my mind. In addition, I found my own knight in shining armor, so he inspires me each day.

4. You’re from Scotland but now live in California. Your Series Order of the Dragon Knights is set in Scotland, why do you think Scotland inspires so much romance?

Mary Morgan: Scotland is a mystical land—filled with its own stories of passion and heartache. So many are drawn to its magic, which lures you in from the shores to the mist-filled highlands. For me, a land that speaks to my soul. A beauty that steals the breath from me each time I visit, and then I weep when I leave once more. Scotland has a rugged, wild, and untamed attraction that captures us in a romantic way. In truth, how could anyone resist a romance with a sexy Highlander wearing a kilt? J

5. Your series Order of the Dragon Knights is part romance, mythology, fantasy, and paranormal. With so many different factors, how do you ensure all the pieces of the story work together?

Mary Morgan: I think of my stories, which are a blend of all the above, as one large Celtic knot. There is no beginning, or ending. They all flow seamlessly together, at times overlapping and weaving throughout the story. Each piece plays an important role within the tale. Perhaps it’s my love for each of these factors that make it believable, so they come together as a whole. As an author, I write only the stories I love—ones that I would want to read. Of course, I always hope others will too.

Special thanks to Mary Morgan for participating in this series! To find out more, visit her website and blog. You can also follow her on Goodreads, Twitter, Facebook or Amazon. Get her latest book Dragon’s Night Ring on Amazon or preorder her new book A Magical Highland Solstice which comes out on December 2nd, 2016.

See also: Five Questions Series

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This post was written by Julie Tetel Andresen

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